Here's What Can Happen When You Make 'One Bad Choice'

MTV's new docu-series, premiering on July 9, will show how a single mistake can change the trajectory of a life forever.

Everyone makes mistakes, but what if your error was so major that it changed the outcome of your life forever? MTV's newest docu-series will answer that very question, with young people opening up about their costly mishaps.

"One Bad Choice" -- which will premiere on July 9 following a new season of "Teen Mom 2" -- will tell 10 separate tales of how a single decision altered a person's future. From killing a best friend and leading a double life to consensual sex with a minor and kidnapping, no difficult scenario is off the table.

In the trailer below, we're introduced to the compelling and deeply emotional program -- which will feature first-hand confessionals mixed with actor re-enactments leading up to and featuring the pivotal moment -- and the subjects who will bravely address their controversial paths. Their hope? To prevent others from making similar bad judgement calls.

Check out the gripping clip below, and be sure to catch the premiere of "One Bad Choice" on Thursday, July 9 at 11/10c.

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