7 Ways 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ Can Prepare You For Your First Job

She's the slayer, ask her how!

Typically, a high school student's first job involves folding clothes at a GAP, lifeguarding at the local pool, or maybe even interning at an office. Buffy Summers, however, is no ordinary high school student, and her role as the Slayer on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" isn't just a career -- it's a calling.

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But even though you aren't the Chosen One descended from a long line of demon killers, you can still learn a lot from Buffy, no matter what line of work you find yourself in. Here are some surefire tips to help you out as you dip your toe into the real world, whether you're part time, starting your first summer job, or seeking permanent employment after graduation:

Make sure you get along with your coworkers.

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Buffy's an unstoppable force of awesome, but she can't do everything by herself -- that's where her "Scooby gang" comes in for magic backup, research, and moral support. Everyone on a team has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to support one another. You're going to be spending a lot of time with them, after all!

Treat your supervisor with respect.

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Not every person you work for is going to be as cool as Rupert Giles (you know, most of the time), but you still can't just ignore their instructions or act like a jerk to them -- after all, they've been doing this longer than you and you're going to need their insight if you want to succeed.

Make sure to save some of your earnings.

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Buffy didn't get paid for her slayage, but she sure knew the value of a hard earned dollar -- and if she didn't, friends like Anya certainly reminded her. It's tempting to spend all of your paycheck on the newest video game or a night out with friends, but make sure you've got at least a little bit left over for emergencies. Trust me, opening a savings account really helps.

Don't be afraid to ask questions!

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Nobody expects you to know everything about a job when you start -- that's why there's always a training period, after all. Buffy had a Watcher, a whole team of friends, and an entire library full of ancient books to back her up, and sometimes she was STILL confused. You probably will be too at first, and that's okay.

Try to avoid workplace romances.

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Listen, that guy sitting behind the counter with you IS really cute, but you're going to have to see him a lot when you're working, so it's probably best to really consider whether it's worth the awkward tension if things don't work out. Also, he might be a demon. You never know.

Don't shirk your other duties.

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Buffy had a hard time keeping her grades up, since saving the world tends to trump whatever's going on in history class. Luckily you probably don't have that level of responsibility on your shoulders, and while it might take some time for you to figure out how to balance work, a social life, school and cleaning your room every once in a while, you'll be better off if you learn how to manage your time.

Make sure you have a good outlet for stress relief.

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As if school isn't stressful enough, now you're probably going to be worried about accidentally ruining an entire business by forgetting to clock in the right way. Irrational? Sure, but you can try to overcome these feelings by indulging in a hobby, learning how to meditate, or just making sure you have some time in your schedule to relax and veg out -- maybe by marathoning "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on Netflix?

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