A New 'Fifty Shades' Book Is Coming...Very Soon

Your inner goddess is about to lose her mind.

Holy crap! "Fifty Shades of Grey" author E.L. James isn't quite done with her bestselling series yet: June 18, the fictional Christian Grey's birthday, will also see the release of "Grey."

"Grey" will be a retelling of "Fifty Shades," told through kabajillionaire paramour Christian's eyes, according to James' Instagram post, containing both the book's cover and release date.

And my, oh my, what a steely blue-grey eye that is.

"This book is dedicated to those readers who asked…and asked…and asked for this," James said of the continuation in a press release. We may have gotten a fair share of inner goddesses and lip biting from Ana's point of view, but who's to say what Christian's inner monologue sounds like? Fans will be excited to find out more about Christian's past and proclivities, as James well knows.

"Also, as anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows, there are two sides to every story," she said in the release.

The "Fifty Shades" trilogy has sold more than 125 million copies worldwide, and has been translated into 52 languages. The first movie adaptation of the series, which hit theaters in February, made more than $166 million at the domestic box office. The second movie, "Fifty Shades Darker," is set to be released February 10, 2017.

What do you want to see in "Grey"? What part of the story are you most excited to hear from Christian's point of view?

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