Grand Theft Duo: This Teen Allegedly Tried To Steal The Same SUV Twice

Watch the surveillance footage.

If the dumbest thing you've done is release 72,000 ladybugs as a senior prank, then you're miles ahead of a still-at-large Bronx teen who has, according to police, pulled off one of the most brazen (and dumbest) stunts ever.

The unidentified teen -- believed to be between 16 and 18 -- allegedly stole a new Lexus SUV from a suburban Bronx home and took it out for a spin on May 17, DNAinfo reports. Cops found the undamaged ride seven miles away, and returned it to the owners. Two days later, authorities say, the teen came back and tried to steal it again.

From the same driveway.

In broad daylight.

Until he got chased off by a neighbor.

The double-dip joyrider appears to waltz into the house through an unlocked back door, as you can see on surveillance video released by the NYPD:

Police are now searching for the suspect, though they could probably limit their manhunt to that driveway -- only a matter of time until he makes his next appearance, right?

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