Wisconsin Teen's Mom Will 'Absolutely' Sue Over His Police Shooting Death

Meanwhile, UVA dean sues 'Rolling Stone' over retracted rape story... and a lot of you are freaking out over Jade Helm.

Tony Robinson’s Shooter Will Not Be Charged

Two months after her 19-year-old son was killed by a Madison, Wisconsin, police officer, Tony Robinson’s mother said on Tuesday that she will "absolutely" sue the police. The comment came hours after the Dane County district attorney’s office said Officer Matt Kenny won’t be charged in the March 6 incident in which Kenny claimed Robinson struck him in the head; toxicology reports found traces of pot, Xanax and magic mushrooms in Robinson’s blood. Kenny responded after a 911 caller reported a man running in traffic and chasing people and allegedly attacking two bystanders. Thousands gathered for a peaceful march Tuesday night, with another march slated for Wednesday evening.

In the meantime, on Tuesday, Cleveland police held their first status update on the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice – shot by police 5 months ago – saying the investigation is onging, but offering no new information.

Dean Sues Rolling Stone Over UVA Rape Story

The fallout from the since-retracted “A Rape On Campus” story in Rolling Stone magazine continues. On Tuesday, the associate dean of students at UVA, Nicole Eramo, filed a $7.85 million lawsuit against the magazine, its publisher and the article’s writer, Sabrina Erdely, claiming that the piece “caused [so much] damage and reputational harm” to herself and others at the university. In a recent issue of the magazine, Eramo wrote a letter to the magazine’s publisher expressing a similar sentiment and lamenting that while many were issued public apologies, none was offered to her.

Are You Freaking Out About Jade Helm?

Maybe you’ve never heard of Jade Helm 15, or maybe you’re busy loading up at Costco because you’re freaking the eff out about the various conspiracy theories about the eight weeks of upcoming routine U.S. military exercises in the Southwest that some fear are a run-up to Obama-sanctioned martial law, secret underground tunnels connecting Walmarts or even FEMA death camps. Clearly some of you are in the latter camps, since a new poll found that 45% of voters are concerned that the government will use the military training operations to impose greater control over some states, while 19% are Very Concerned. Senator John McCain set the record straight this week, calling the theories "bizarre," and saying “we have been having military exercises in the southwest for a couple of hundred years.”

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