Have You Gotten Yourself Tested Recently? This College Student Explains Why You Should

The truth is that everyone deserves a sex life that is safe and healthy.

By Kayla Frye

I grew up with abstinence-only programs in school, so my friends and I didn’t get the information we needed to stay healthy and safe when it comes to sex and relationships. I watched some of my friends get sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and just panic, not knowing what to do. Even now that I’m in college, my friends have so many questions and fears about getting tested, that they try to convince themselves that they don’t have anything to worry about, that they don’t need to get tested. For people our age, that’s just not true.

Today I'm a a Planned Parenthood peer educator and creator of an LGBTQ outreach center on my campus, and I talk about sexual health all the time. I hear from a lot of people who are making unhealthy decisions about their health out of ignorance or fear, and I do everything I can to remind them that they need to take care of themselves, that their bodies and their futures are worth protecting.

The truth is that everyone deserves a sex life that is safe and healthy. Here are some of the most important things I tell my friends and fellow students:

Getting tested for STDs is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health, now and in the future.

It's Your (Sex) Life


STDs, if not treated, can lead to serious health outcomes, like increased risk of cervical cancer and infertility. Getting tested and using condoms is simply a basic part of staying healthy and taking control of your sex life.

If you’re a sexually active young person, you should get tested regularly.



As my mom always says, “Young people think they’re 10 feet tall and bulletproof.” But we’re not bulletproof, and STDs are very common among young people: in fact, half of all sexually active young people in the U.S. will contract an STD by the time they’re 25 — and most won’t know it.

Getting tested is painless, easy, and quick.



For example, rapid HIV tests can provide results in 20 minutes from just a swab in the mouth. For other tests, all you have to do is pee in a cup. No needles necessary. Less painful than leg day at the gym.

You can’t tell by looking at someone if they have an STD.



I like to say that the most common symptom is no symptom, since so many STDs don’t have any symptoms. For example, 70 to 95 percent of women and 90 percent of men with chlamydia have no symptoms. On average, people with HIV don’t develop symptoms for 10 years. The only way to know your status for sure is to get tested.

Talking about getting tested with your partner doesn’t have to be uncomfortable.



You can start with something like, “I'm a little nervous to bring this up, but I want us to be healthy and I think it's important. What do you think about getting tested for STDs together?” It shows that you’re smart and responsible, and that you care about yourself and your partner. In fact, one survey found that most young people said they would be glad it was suggested (78 percent) and that it reflects their partner being responsible (89 percent).

Most STDs, including HIV, are treatable, and many are curable.



No matter what your results are, don’t panic. A positive result isn’t the end of your social life. The sooner you know your status, the sooner you can get treated. Getting tested is the right move for your long-term health.

Condoms are your friend.

It's Your (Sex) Life


I know some people think condoms make sex less enjoyable, but they can actually enhance your sex life. It’s true! Condoms used consistently and correctly are the best way to protect against STDs, and can take a lot of the stress out of sex, since you won't be worrying about unintended pregnancy or STDs. Oh, and that less-enjoyable myth just isn’t true: People who use condoms rate their sexual experiences as just as pleasurable as those who don’t.

So take control of your health and your sex life and get yourself tested. Getting tested and knowing your status — and practicing safer sex — shows you care about yourself, today and in the future.

To find out more about STDs and testing, visit, or find a Planned Parenthood health center near you at

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