Watch A Drone Deface Kendall Jenner's Huge Calvin Klein Billboard

2015 problems, amirite?

In her upcoming feature in V Magazine, Kendall Jenner reveals how exciting it's been to see huge billboards of her Calvin Klein campaign around. Well, she may be less than excited when she finds out her giant NYC billboard has been defaced in a very modern way—by a drone.

On Wednesday, KATSU, a graffiti artist, used a spray can of red paint and a drone to paint red streaks across Kendall's face, which is stories-high. According to Wired, "By all accounts, it is the first time that a drone has been deployed for a major act of public vandalism."

Drones, as Wired points out, have the potential to make large-scale tags, that were once nearly impossible, now feasible. While, aesthetically, the scribbles may not appear to be that ~impressive~, the feat "represents the potential that drones have to transform graffiti forever."

So, Kendall, while having your billboard defaced may not have been on your bucket list, at least you've made history—major silver lining, IMHO!

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