13 Times Lisa Simpson Was The Ultimate Feminist Icon

This cartoon gal did more for feminism than most real people.

Even though she's only 8 years old in the series, Lisa Simpson from FOX's cartoon series, "The Simpsons," has been laying down some pretty wise lessons for audiences across the globe. Since the show's premiere in 1989, Lisa made it clear that her being a woman (and I do mean woman) wouldn't be used against her. She stood up for what she believed in and, in return, served as a great role model regardless of being a fictional character.

While the series has over 570 episodes, we've rounded up a few times that Lisa blew our minds with her boss, feministic attitude towards women.

Lisa vs. Malibu Barbie


Lisa Malibu Barbie

"Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy": When presented with the gift of a Barbie, Lisa was less than pleased. She took matters into her own hands, though, when she made her own "Lisa Lionheart" doll that, when pressed, would say “trust in yourself and you can achieve anything."

"Alright, No Husband"



"The Haw-Hawed Couple": I think we can all agree on that.

When Lisa Was President of the United States


Lisa Pres

"Bart to the Future": Step aside Hillary Clinton, Lisa was doing the "woman for presidency" thing way before!

She's a wiccan, not a witch!


lisa witch

"Treehouse of Horror XIX": Sheryl Sandberg would be proud!

When She Was All About Equality


Lisa as a boy

"Girls Just Want to Have Sums": In this episode of the Simpsons, Lisa chooses to dress up as a boy in order to attend the all boy math class instead of the all girl class. She can appreciate how men roll.

Her Choice of Literature


Nonthreatening boys lisa

"Brother from the Same Planet": Lisa read many books, but this magazine was her highlight. Who wouldn't love a nonthreatening boy?

She For He


Lisa Roasting

"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire": When Marge's sister trashes Homer for not being home on time for Christmas, Lisa serves her up some realness.

She Can Get Down With the Fellas


Lisa MoneyBart

"MoneyBart": In this episode, Lisa coaches Bart's baseball team and does a pretty good job at it. She's treated no differently for being a woman.

"Amen, Sister"



"Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington": Of course she would visit a women's rights activist memorial during her stay in Washington.

She's Not Just All Brains



"Lisa on Ice": Lisa isn't just about her books and her pearl necklace. If needed, she can school you in hockey.

When She Stood With Women, Not Against Them


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"To Surveil With Love": In this episode Lisa's intelligence isn't taken seriously due to her being blonde. Lisa dyes her hair brunette in order to prove that blondes are no different than brunettes and vice-versa.

Pretty Hurts, But it Doesn't Get to Lisa


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"Lisa the Beauty Queen": As Springfield's Junior Miss Beauty Queen, Lisa decides to use her title to improve the city - not just to be the pretty girl who won. #Goals

The Way We Was: The Episode Where We Learned that She Got it From her Mama, Duh



"The Way We Was": Even though Lisa harps on Marge for loving her roll as a stay-at-home mom, Marge is definitely all about woman's rights. It's only natural that those genes got passed down!

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