The Amazing Moment A 102-Year-Old Finally Watches Her Young Self

This former dancer's reaction will instantly brighten your day.

In the '30s and '40s, Alice Barker danced at Harlem clubs and appeared in movies (jazz "soundies"), commercials and TV shows -- but she went roughly eight decades without seeing any of the clips, reports the Washington Post.

That changed recently when director David Shuff and Mark Cantor of the Celluloid Improvisations Music Film Archive dug up the footage and brought it to the 102-year-old in her Brooklyn nursing home. As she starts tapping out the rhythms and remembering song lyrics, even after all these decades, it's enough to make even the coldest cynic well up:

Cantor realized that many of Barker's credits were mistakenly listed under the name "Baker," and in the video of her first viewing, Alice herself confirms that people always used to leave out the middle R.

"Making me wish I could get out of this bed and do it all over again," Barker said about the highlight reel, explaining that she was so lucky back then to get paid to do something that she happily would've done for free. "It's just fabulous ... fabulous to see these."

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