Watch The 'Avengers' Cast Play Family Feud

Is this how 'Captain America: Civil War' starts?

The Avengers assembled on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" last night (April 13) to promote the upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron," but before the show was over, they had split into two distinct factions which just might be a preview of things to come in the Marvel Universe.

It was Team Captain America vs. Team Iron Man as the celebs took sides for a round of Family Feud. Chris "Cap" Evans led Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo; Robert "Iron Man" Downey, Jr. took Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth; and the brutal battle began.

Sure, it seems like it's all in good fun. But let's just say that we won't be surprised if and when Civil War erupts amongst the Avengers over Jeremy Renner's completely bizarre suggestion that movie theater seats also sometimes double as toilets. What?

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