Could You Knowingly Stand By A 'Catfish' Liar?

The latest virtual fake had a pal who might have been guilty by association.

True friendship exists without condition, but that doesn't necessarily mean it should exist without accountability.

On last week's "Catfish" episode, a 23-year-old boxing enthusiast named Felipe got his dreams of love dashed when his mysterious online girlfriend Jasmin turned out to be a local young man named Luis, who passed time by duping strangers over the internet. Worse, there was a particularly twisted facet to Luis' story: His best friend Alex was Felipe's ex-girlfriend.

When Felipe and show hosts Max Joseph and Nev Schulman finally had a chance to confront Luis and Alex, Alex insisted that she took no part in Luis' scheme. She noted that Luis was in touch with many people in town through the fake profile, and by the time she and Felipe started dating, Felipe had already been messaging with Jasmin for some time. When she found out, she broke things off with Felipe out of hurt, but stood by Luis.


"At the beginning, I was totally against it...but he wasn't gonna listen to me," she told Max and Nev, adding that because of Felipe's aggressive ways, she didn't want to out her BFF. "I was afraid that something was going to happen to Luis."

Ultimately, Luis bore the brunt of the group's criticism, but was Alex guilty by association, and should she have told Felipe about Luis' catfishing? Or was she right to side with her BFF, especially since she caught Felipe messaging "Jasmin"? Tell us what you thought of her role in the most recent "Catfish" case, explain what you would have done in her shoes and be sure to tune in to the next episode Wednesday night at 10/9c!

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