12 Spring Break Essentials You Absolutely Cannot Forget To Pack

Remember these now. Thank us later.

Your toes are numb and your face hurts ... just ... always. This winter has been so brutal that you’ve seriously considered studying abroad in the Sahara next year. Luckily, spring break (and all the warmth and fruity drinks that come with it) is just around the corner.

As you’re packing for your escape, make sure to include these sometimes forgotten items, which will help make the week even more epic. Now, get to shaving and exfoliating, because sunshine is almost here.

Baseball cap

Not only will a brimmed cap provide extra protection from the sun, it's the perfect way to travel incognito whilst hungover and trying to avoid that random you sloppily made out with the night before.


3 a.m. is a bummer time to find out that your room-splitting buddy snores like a dinosaur with respiratory issues, or that the person next door is a little too good in bed. Ensure that you’re well-rested by packing ear plugs.

Baggy pants

Hopefully you’ve learned by now the importance of sunscreen, but accidents happen so being prepared is key. Have a pair of loose-fitting pants or a billowy skirt on hand in the event that you burn yourself into the literal hot seat. Then, seriously, learn how to properly apply sunscreen.

Cheap sunglasses

Those fancy schmancy specs make you look dope as hell, which is exactly why losing them could be a real wet blanket on your vacation fun. If you’re going to be drinking, dancing and day-napping, be realistic with yourself and pack a pair of shades you’re comfortable with losing.


It helps with hangovers, sunburns and even bruises from falling off that table you’re going to dance on. In other words, ibuprofen is a better friend than that buddy who’s going to dare you to jump into the ocean at midnight.

International data plan on your phone

If you’re traveling outside of the U.S., call your cell phone company and see if you can buy an international data plan for the month. You’ll then be able to use your phone for directions and restaurant recommendations without coming home to a hefty phone bill that will make you want to do shots, shots, shots, for all the wrong reasons.

Leg makeup

Ladies. It’s been a long and lonely winter, at least for your poor, pale stems. Sunless tanner can help add instant color to skin that hasn’t seen the light of day in awhile, but you’ll want an extra boost for those nights when you’re venturing out in that super short skirt. Dab a little leg makeup on, and voila, instant warmth and shimmer.

5 Hour Energy

Your friends are going to need you to rally. You’re going to need to sleep. Meet them halfway by coming prepared with a few of these: disco naps in a bottle.

Copy of your passport

You of all people should know that you’re not to be trusted with such an important document. Lock the real thing in the safe in your hotel, and carry around a Xerox of it in your wallet, in case you need it for some reason. No one wants to spend their vacation at the embassy.

Reusable water bottle

The key to a marathon party session is the same as the key to a regular marathon: hydration, hydration, hydration. (It will also help make those hangovers less awful.) Keeping a reusable bottle around will remind you to refill it; also you’ll be helping the environment, so technically this trip counts as volunteer work.

Baby wipes

Wipes are a perfect “better than nothing” tool. If you fall asleep on the beach and don’t have time to shower before dinner, wipe. Gotta pass out and can’t even wash your face? Wipe. Have an “accident” after one too many tequila shots? Uh .. wipe. (And then get it together, man.)

The number for a good attorney



Hopefully you won’t need it. If you do, though, at least that will be one less thing for your parents to yell at you for.

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