Could Aria Be Varjak On 'Pretty Little Liars?' Yes, And She Has The Cat Jacket To Prove It

Either we're going crazy, or Aria is Varjak.

Are you ready to take a trip down the rabbit hole with us, "Pretty Little Liars" fans? Good, because things are about to get crazy.

We think Aria might be Varjak -- and it has something to do with the cat jacket she wore in the most recent episode of "PLL." Aria is the queen of eclectic fashion choices, but were the writers trying to tell us something by putting her in a pink bomber jacket adorned with cats? Possibly. Here us out.

ABC Family

Aria on '

"Varjak Paw," a 2003 novel written by British author S. F. Said, follows the harrowing Outside adventures of a small Mesopotamian dark blue cat. No, Aria is not a cat, but she did wear a suspicious cat jacket in the episode. We know the "PLL" Powers That Be are masters when it comes to red herrings, but we think the evidence against Aria still stands.

Aria eagerly volunteered to go to Mona’s house first to search for clues, which means she could have been the one to ransack Mona’s room. And it's even more likely that she's the one who planted that note in Mona's mirror to throw the Liars off her trail.

And if you still don't believe us, here's another clue: Holly Golightly also had a cat.

Ali's fascination with "Breakfast at Tiffany's" started when Ezra compared her to the protagonist Holly Golightly. We previously speculated that Varjack -- the male lead in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" -- could be Ezra, but now we think it's Aria. After all, Aria is just as knowledgeable of novellas as Ezra, so it's entirely possible she created the Varjak persona.

But she also has to be working with a dude who could pull off being "Paul Varjak." This is where Andrew comes in. Astute "PLL" fans have already noticed that Andrew and the hospital mummy wore the same sneakers, and we don't think this was a coincidence. What if Aria went with Hanna just to see whether or not Cyrus would fess up and used Andrew to intimidate Cyrus after they left? It's entirely possible, and it would explain why Andrew has been acting so weird lately. Is he starting to crack under the pressure?

We know this "Bonnie and Clyde" theory may sound crazy, but the pieces are starting to fall into place and TBH, it would be one hell of an awesome reveal.

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