Here's Everything You Need To Know About 'The Walking Dead' Season Five, From A To Z

Today, we are alphabetizing the apocalypse!

"The Walking Dead" changed itself up in many ways throughout season five, what with killing off main characters and plunging the leftovers back into the realm of society. Now that it's over, was it too hard to keep track of it all? Not to worry! Here are all of the highlights from season five, helpfully listed from A to Z:

A is for Alexandria



The walled-in safe zone, miles away from Washington, D.C., is the newest sanctuary for Rick Grimes' gang of survivors — but surviving here isn't as easy as it sounds, what with Rick's ideas of "civilization" coming into conflict with leader Deanna Monroe's. Following the finale, the two seem to be on the same page, with Rick's "kill or be killed" ways becoming the ruling way of life.

B is for Bob



Take your pick: Bob Stookey, the optimistic recovering alcoholic who lost his leg and life to a bunch of flesh-hungry cannibals, or Officer Bob, the Grady Hospital cop who lost his back and life to Rick Grimes. Either way, you can't go back, Bob.

C is for Cookie



It's good enough for Carol! Her speech about abducting a cookie-craving kid and feeding him to walkers is straight-up nightmare fuel, and pretty easily a top ten "Walking Dead" moment. Indeed, there's a strong argument that Carol is the MVP of season five, between the cookies scene, her knife-wielding threats against Doctor Pete, blowing up Terminus all on her own, among other highlights.

D is for Dinner



Whether it's an Alexandria dinner party, a cannibal cook-out, or a bunch of roadside hot dogs (emphasis on the dogs), dinner was regularly served throughout season five.

E is for Enid



One of the new Alexandrians, Enid — about the same age as Carl — kept sneaking away from the community for reasons unknown. Is she one of the good guys, or is she working with outside forces? Time will tell. For now, the bigger question: Will Carl and Enid's near-kiss in the tree lead to something more?

F is for "Four Walls and a Roof"



An abrupt end to both the Terminus and Bob story lines, this episode confirmed what we've suspected all along: Rick Grimes and his people are not to be trifled with, unless you want to become the proud owner of a machete in your face.

G is for GREATM



As in Glenn, Rosita, Eugene, Abraham, Tara, Maggie — aka the greatm-est clique on "The Walking Dead."

H is for Horses



Pour one out for Buttons, the latest horse to lose its life on "The Walking Dead." Did he have to die in such a brutal fashion? We say nay.

I is for Icky



Season five escalated the guts and gore quotient of "The Walking Dead" in horribly amazing new ways. Case in point: That time Daryl Dixon plunged his fingers into a walker's eyeballs and used the skull to bash another man's face in.

J is for Jessie



Rick's new neighbor in Alexandria, and the victim of severe abuse at the hands of drunk surgeon Pete. Now that Rick has finally put a bullet in Pete, is there any chance at a romance with Jessie?

K is for Katana



Weapons are outlawed in Alexandria without explicit permission from higher-ups, and somehow, Michonne managed to secure her sword — albeit as a decorative piece on her wall. Bad choice by everyone involved, considering her sword was used by Pete to kill Reg Monroe. In the final scene of the season, Michonne hangs the sword on her back, exactly where it belongs. The zombie-killing samurai has returned.

L is for Lennie James



He plays Morgan Jones, the maybe crazy man who rescued Rick in the early days of the apocalypse. In the season five premiere, Morgan was seen on the road, his first sighting since season three. Midway through the season, he learned that Rick was headed toward Washington. In the finale, he finally reunited with Rick, just in time to watch his old friend put a bullet in another man. Based on Morgan's new "all life is precious" attitude, it's not clear that these two are on the same page anymore.

M is for Martin



Also known as that jerk from the cabin. He was one of the Terminus cannibals, and he emphatically told Tyreese that there's no room for kindness in the new world order. Martin ate his own words, and a machete, at the hands of Tyreese's sister… but then again, Tyreese wound up dead as well. Was Martin right all along?

N is for Noah



The Grady Hospital ward joined Rick's group all the way to Alexandria, only to be horrifically mutilated at the hands and mouths of walkers. Pretty easily the grossest main character death we've ever seen on the show.

O is for Officers



A bunch of Atlanta police officers were in charge of a corrupt community inside Grady Hospital. Dawn Lerner, the paranoid police officer in charge of the operation, wound up shooting and killing Beth Greene, and losing her own life in turn. The jury is still out on whether the side-trip to Grady was worth our while, but it's not worth dwelling on now that we're in Alexandria.

P is for Priest



Father Gabriel Stokes is one of the show's new main characters, having met our band of survivors while on the road, unable to fend for himself. Since his introduction, we've learned that Gabriel basically let his entire churchgoing flock die at the hands of walkers. In the finale, he finally attempted suicide-by-walker to atone for his sins, but couldn't follow through. Instead, he left the gates of Alexandria open, inviting a bunch of walkers in as a result. In other words, he's a coward, and everyone knows it.

Q is for Quarrel



Also known as a crossbow bolt, which remains Daryl Dixon's weapon of choice as he embraces his new role as Alexandria's newest recruiter. Also, "quarrel" is what Rick calls his son.

R is for Rick



Speaking of Rick, he's the new sheriff in town, literally! As Alexandria's new constable, Rick spent the final episodes of season five wearing the badge and maintaining the law — even as he conspired with Carol and Daryl about stealing guns and keeping their people ready and alert just in case Alexandria falls. Those behind-closed-doors conspiracy talks finally came out in the open in the final two episodes of season five, with everyone learning just how far Rick will go to protect his people.

S is for Sasha



In Rick's group, few people have lost so much so fast like Sasha. Her boyfriend Bob died after being partially eaten by cannibals, and her brother Tyreese died no more than a couple of weeks later. She's had a difficult time adjusting to the civilized world of Alexandria, so much so that she became the community's watchtower guard to stay as far away from people as possible. The less we talk about that bed of dead walkers she slept on, the better.

T is for Tyreese



The hammer-wielding hero was one of the last rays of sunshine in Rick's group, and now, he's gone. Tragic timing, too, considering how soon after his death Rick's people found Alexandria. He would have crushed it at that dinner party.

U is for Uniform



From the cops in Atlanta to Rick's new gig in Alexandria, season five explored the idea of whether or not people who held noble professions in their previous lives can maintain that nobility in the zombie apocalypse. With his clean-shaven face and his freshly pressed constable clothes, can Rick return to the man he was, or is he too far gone?

V is for Vaccine



Eugene Porter promised to lead everyone to Washington, D.C. so he could institute a vaccine that would kill the zombie virus. Turns out, he was full of crap. There is no vaccine, there is no cure — at least not in Eugene's hands.

W is for Wolves



Starting with the midseason premiere, the show began teasing a mysterious group called The Wolves. Who are they? What do they want? Finally, we have some answers, following their first appearance in the finale... and it turns out that they're very bad people, and what they want is nothing short of everything. Expect to see much more of them in season six.

X is for Xenophobia



Despite its obvious, outward appeal, Alexandria remained a wild card for Rick and his people — mainly because they just don't trust the people outside of their group, and also because many of the Alexandrians don't trust them. But that fear of outsiders seems to have faded for the moment, as Rick and Deanna both joined their philosophies together by the end of the finale.

Y is for Yelling



As in, what you do at your television every Sunday night while "Walking Dead" is on.

Z is for Zombies (Duh)



Kind of a no brainer, right?

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