Is Snow White Becoming A Villain On 'Once Upon A Time?'

... And is that really such a bad thing?

Just when you thought that "Once Upon a Time" was going to drag out the mystery of what Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and David (Josh Dallas) did to Maleficent (Kristin Bauer van Straten) for weeks and weeks, Sunday night's (March 8) episode "Unforgiven" pulled a number on us by revealing their unforgivable crime -- they made poor old Mally (can we call her Mally?) lose her baby. WOAH.

Now, of course there's going to be some sort of reasonable-ish explanation for how this all went down, but can I play devil's advocate for a quick sec and say that I think a legitimate foray into the dark side might be just what "OUaT" needs for these two characters? Snow and David/Charming have been so consistently good and solid over the past couple of years that they've tended to take a backseat to characters like Emma and Regina, who have legitimate problems that fuel interesting plot lines. Snow and Charming, on the other hand, basically only existed as support systems to Emma as she dealt with her "Frozen" plot during the first half of this season, so it would be great to see these two actors finally have some meaty dramatic material to work with.


Also, if this is going to be the season (well, half-season) of blurring the lines between good and evil, then there's no better character to reckon with than Snow. Regina, Emma, Rumple and the rest have been struggling with the dual forces inside of them for years, while everyone looked up to Snow -- and David, too -- as their, to put things in "Lost" terms, constants. Shaking that up by revealing that the Charmings did something legitimately awful to someone for the sake of what they thought was "good" would be a fascinating story line for "Once" to explore.

Can we forgive Snow and Charming for doing something truly awful, as long as they thought it was for the better good? And if we can, what does that say about us? Why do we condemn the "villains" for going after their happy endings, then look away when "good" characters like Snow and Charming do very bad things, just to get ahead? These are all very solid questions... questions that might even influence Emma's decision to maybe-kinda-sorta visit the dark side, once the witches get their metaphoric claws on her.


Look, at the end of the day, I'm aware that an unflinchingly honest look at the morality of these characters might be a bit too "Into the Woods" Disney for "Once Upon a Time," but here's to hoping that they don't let Snow and Charming off the hook so easy. The show desperately needed to shake things up for those characters, and a deep, dark, vicious secret may be just what they needed.

Oh, and one more thing -- if you had moral issues with Belle hooking up with Will Scarlett at the end of the episode, please remember that Belle was married to a psycho-murderer who repeatedly lied to her and literally cast spells on her so she would do whatever he wanted. He even tried to murder fairies! Get your feminism together, Rumbelle.



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