This 'Pretty Little Liars' Twist May Be Its Most Jaw-Dropping Yet

We did <i>not</i> see that coming.

With only a handful of episodes to go until the season five finale, "Pretty Little Liars" is finally tying up some of its loose ends. And in true Rosewood fashion, "PLL" is going out with a bang.

During last night's (February 17) episode, we learned that Mona had been saving her own blood samples in vials to frame Alison for her death -- at "A"'s request. Of course, Mona wasn't working for "A." In fact, she was working to bring "A" down, and we don't think the Big Bad appreciated Mona's double agent status.

According to Mike, Mona planned to fake her death and gain "A"'s trust in order to ultimately take him or her down. So when she died, Mike assumed it was all part of the plan and continued leaving treats for her in their designated meeting place in the woods. And when she never showed up, he asked Ali to help. So that explains why Mike was visiting Ali in jail, but now we have an even bigger question: is Mona still alive?

We examine the possibility of that shocking plot twist and more in our burning questions roundup, below:

Is Mona alive?

ABC Family

Mona on '

Mike's confession was undoubtedly shocking. If Mona planned to fake her death, then it's possible she succeeded. Mona was always one step ahead. At the time of the Rosewood P.D. press conference, Detective Holbrook announced that the amount of blood found in Mona's house would suggest a homicide. But if she had been collecting her own blood, then it's possible she used it to fake a gruesome crime scene. Plus, it would explain why the hidden cameras in Mona's home were so conveniently placed. However, there's one glaring piece of evidence keeping us from believing Mona faked her death: we saw her dead body in the trunk of "A"'s car.

If Ali isn't "A," who is?

ABC Family

Ali DiLaurentis on Pretty Little Liars

We've never been fans of the "Ali is 'A'" theory; it's way too obvious. The Liars, however, have spent the entire season trying to bring Ali down for her "A" crimes. So when Mike told Aria that there was no way Ali could be "A," we had one response: "duh!" Little Montgomery is convinced Ali isn't "A" because, as he learned at the diner in last week's episode, Cyrus took Ali away from Rosewood the night of Mona's murder.

Will Emily win the pageant for Hanna?

ABC Family

Hanna with her Coffee

In less interesting news, Hanna signed up for a beauty pageant in the hopes that she'd win the $20,000 college scholarship. Hanna enlisted Emily, who was apparently a 7th grade dance prodigy, to help her with the talent portion. But when Hanna discovered that her evil stepsister Kate had also signed up for the pageant, she had a full on meltdown which resulted in her pageant coach quitting and Hanna going home to feast on pizza. As it turns out, Kate didn't actually sign up for the pageant. It was all a dirty "A" trick to psych Hanna out -- and it worked. That's when Emily proved that she's the world's best BFF and told Hanna she'd win the contest for her. Excuse me, but a $20,000 scholarship is a huge deal, and Emily is just going to give it to Hanna? We should all be so lucky to have Em as a friend.

Will Toby find out about Spencer and Jonny's kiss?

ABC Family

Sad Toby on Pretty Little Liars

Of course he will! This is "Pretty Little Liars" -- all dirty secrets find their way to the surface eventually. There was always going to be a time when Officer Toby had to choose between Spencer and his career on the force, and it looks like he made his choice clear in last night's episode when he arrested Jonny (and nearly Spencer) for vandalizing Hollis. Spoby's days are most certainly numbered. As for Jonny, we'd be okay with him leaving Rosewood and living the dirtbag life for awhile.

So Ezria is definitely over?

ABC Family

Aria on Pretty Little Liars

Aria might be moving on with hot nerd Andrew -- yeah, we didn't see that one coming either -- which means Ezria is (maybe) officially a thing of the past. (Ezria fans, we can hear your sobs from here.) We have to give it to "Pretty Little Liars." This is the longest they've committed to a breakup, barring a supernatural spin-off series. And honestly, it's one of the more realistic storylines they've given Ezria. With Ezra starting his new career venture at The Brew and Aria heading off to college (presumably, one day, maybe?), these two needed a break to figure life out, you know?

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