Watch This Iconic '90s Character Shut Down Catcallers In The Best Way Possible

Don't tell Wednesday Addams to smile. Ever.

If anyone can effectively shut down catcallers for good and make the hearts of '90s girls everywhere dance with joy, it's "The Addams Family" (and "Addams Family Values") star Wednesday Addams.

Okay, okay, so it's not exactly Christina Ricci donning her iconic black dress, pigtails, and frown, but the Adult Wednesday Addams YouTube series by Melissa Hunter is pretty amazing at holding down the spirit of the original -- or the '90s reboot of the original, which is close enough.

In the video, Wednesday gets -- gasp -- told to smile, then gets sweet, sweet revenge on her harassers using her wit, her charm, and her close (convict?) friends Stenchel, Viper and Bob. Check it out below, and feel free to borrow freely from Wednesday's book of awesome:

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