These Cops Found A Genius Way To Make Craigslist Safer For Everyone

A Michigan police department just made the site way less creepy.

Craigslist pro: There's lots of cheap IKEA MALM furniture.

Craigslist con: You need to meet up with a rando to get the cheap furniture.

New Girl

Cops in Lowell, Michigan found a simple solution to this problem. Last week, they announced on Facebook that Craigslist users are welcome to make in-person transactions at their police department.

"I know people are leery of doing these transactions sometimes," Lowell police Chief Steve Bukala told "So if they live in the Lowell area they can meet at the station. That puts both the buyer and seller at ease."

Between sites like Craigslist and dating apps, more and more people are meeting up with people they've met online. Seeing someone from the internet IRL is risky business, and police recommend always choosing a public meeting point in these situations.

While we're talking about internet safety, MTV's new original series "Eye Candy" shows what happens when a Tinder-like dating app called Flirtual gets a little too creepy. Check out the trailer below to see for yourself:

Watch the chilling pilot episode here and tune in this Monday at 10/9c on MTV to find out what happens next.

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