Watch A Pint-Sized Kanye West Recite A Poem About MLK In 1990

Young Yeezus.

Kanye West might be a college dropout, but, judging by this video Kim Kardashian posted of a young Yeezus reading a poem he wrote about Martin Luther King, Jr., he was a future Rhodes Scholar in the making back in middle school.

"I wish I posted this yesterday! How cute is my baby!!!!!!! #MLK," Kim tweeted.

In the grainy YouTube video, a barely teenaged, shirt and tie-wearing Yeezy steps to the podium in front of an assembly to recite some impassioned poetry about pastor-turned-leader in the struggle for African-American civil rights.

“My name is Kanye West, and my poem is 'His Name Is Love,'" Li'l Kanye says before busting out the same delivery that would later make him a world-famous rapper.

For your reading pleasure, here’s the full poem:

A man who fought for freedom

A man who fought for equality

Those who were against him

Were too blind to see

What this man was fighting for

So Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians could put their foot in the door

Yes, we know that this man is great

That’s why today we celebrate and everyone lifts their voice and sing

For a man who wanted freedom to ring

Martin Luther King is who I’m speaking of

A man whose name means love

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