Shaq Crashing Into A Christmas Tree Is The Holiday Comic Relief You Need

Kenny Smith 'accidentally' hip-checks Shaq into the set's tree.

Shaquille O'Neal and the crew love to horse around on the TNT halftime show, but this latest shenanigan got a littttle out of hand.

Shaquille O'Neal and Kenny "The Jet" Smith get on their feet demonstrate how to draw the foul—except Kenny instead demonstrates how to knock Shaq on the ground. He swears it was an accident that he hip-checked Shaq straight into the Christmas tree, but was it really??

MTV News


It certainly seemed to surprise Shaq, who is laughing and a little out of breath after taking the whole tree down in his tumble. Keep in mind that Shaq is 7'1—that's a long way to fall, people.

The former Lakers player has been on a bit of a roll this holiday season, he recently dropped some bars when Nicki Minaj was visiting the show that were actually pretty perfect. No match for Nicki though, sorry Shaq.

Watch the whole tree-falling incident in full below:

But don't worry about O'Neal too much, He seems to be laugh the whole thing off.

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