Target's Progressive New Ad Features An Adorable Toddler With Down Syndrome

All together, now: awwwwwwwwww!

A two-year-old girl from Minneapolis is the face of a refreshing new Target advertisement.

Izzy Bradley is “...completely fun. She has lots of energy. She’s sweet. She loves her big sisters. Wants to be just like them,” her mother Heather Bradley told WCCO. Izzy also has Down syndrome.


Izzy Bradley

The toddler was selected to take part in a September photo shoot after Target reached out to the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network requesting snapshots of potential models.

“I really appreciate Target’s policy of including them in their ads," Bradley told WCCO. "I think it really normalizes Down syndrome and helps people to see we’re really just like any other family."

Little Izzy is clearly an ahhhhhdorable poster child, and has become a viral sensation. “I really just hope that if a new mom, or an expectant mom, were to see a little girl in an ad that they would just have that sense of hope for their child, and that they would know really there’s a great future for them,” Bradley said.

The money from the photo shoot has been placed in a bank account for little Izzy – we have a feeling this sweet girl is gonna grow up to change the world!

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