Rixton's Guide To Handling Awkward Holiday Situations Like A Pro

Warning: If you take this advice you may never be invited back to another holiday party... which could be good or bad.

With only a few days to go until Christmas, it's safe to assume that many of us are already stressing about certain uncomfortable holiday situations.

You know all those classic awkward moments: talking to family members you haven't seen in years, receiving gifts that you know will immediately be returned, or the aftermath of having just a little too much fun and at a holiday party.

We've all been there. But how should you handle these often cringe-inducing situations? Luckily the guys of Rixton -- Jake, Charley, Lewi and Danny -- are here to help. The "Wait On Me" foursome, who are prepped to drop their Let the Road album in January 2015, gave us some advice for dealing with those times you find yourself trapped in uncomfortable holiday scenarios. So check out the video above, and for a detailed description direct your attention to the list below!

OMG! You Just Got A Really Bad Gift!

bad xmas gift

It's inevitable that you'll get a really bad gift this holiday season, but there are ways to cope. You could put on a brave face and must up a "thank you," or you can take a cue from Rixton, who'd give it back with a haughty "How dare you."

You Made A Fool Out Of Yourself At A Holiday Party


The morning after a holiday party can always be a questionable one. Did I insult someone? Was I going too hard on the dance floor? How many drinks did I have? But whatever it is that you did, hold your head up high, walk on in and just "smile and nod and say 'you are welcome.'" Pretty solid advice, Rixton.

WTF? I’m The Only One Wearing An Ugly Sweater

ugly xmas sweater

Ugly Christmas sweaters are a must over the holiday season, but nothing is worse than showing up with a Santa on your shirt when everyone else is in formal wear. So what do you do? "You hold your head high confidently, and you own it."

No One Told Me I Had To Buy A Present For Aunt Betty?

forget gift

You walk into your family's party and you totally forget to buy your aunt a present. No, you don't reach into your pocket and give her cash or quickly try to regift something you just received. What you do, according to Rixton, is look Aunt Betty right in the eye and say, "You're lucky I'm here. I don't even want the family name." You then proceed to "flip the table" and "eat more turkey." Word.

How Do You Get Out Of A Boring Conversation?

awkward conversation

You've been stuck for what seems like an eternity talking to the uncle you haven't seen in years, and there's no escape in sight. "The best way to get out of an awkward conversation is just kiss," Jake said. "Just shout at each other, and it's awkward and then you just go [puckering his lips] and your mom is like 'What's going on? not again."

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