Upset About 'The Interview'? Here's One Way You Can Fight Back

Grab your camcorder.

It's hard right now to feel like moviegoers have any power.

"The Interview," the film at the center of North Korea's massive hack, subsequent leak of information from Sony, and, ultimately, a threat of terrorist action, has been pulled from release. There are no plans for a later release date, according to Sony. There is no plan in place for a home video release.

Moviegoers, frustrated that they wouldn't have a chance to see the solidly-reviewed film on its Christmas Day release date or any day after or possibly ever are, to put it lightly, at loose ends.

So now what is a person who loves film and wants to take a stand for creative freedom to do? There are always philanthropic efforts, like getting involved via money or time with the ACLU. For those looking for something a little more concrete, however, a tangible action can be more satisfying.

May we suggest sweding "The Interview"?

According to that most authoritative of living documents, Urban Dictionary, sweding is, "re-making something from scratch out of anything you can get your hands on." The term was popularized by the movie "Be Kind, Rewind" to refer to people making their own shot-for-shot homemade versions of popular, big-budget movies. It's become a sensation. There's sweded "The Avengers: Age of Ultron," sweded "Inception," anything you can think of. There's even an entire shot-by-shot remake of "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark," made over a seven-year period by three kids in Mississippi.

These remakes are often intentionally funny, swapping in obviously fake stand-ins for the mind-blowing effects that only big budgets and skilled post-production editors can buy, but they're most often -- funny or not -- heartfelt tributes to the films that the makers love. After all, you're not going to invest time in plotting, shooting and editing such a detailed project if you don't care about the source material at least a little bit.

Now, it's a very likely possibility that the average movie lover will never see "The Interview" in its finished entirety. Sony's "no further release plans" seems to point to that. That's not to say that there isn't still plenty of source material to draw from. There are plenty of trailers, clips and leaked scenes online.

Between North Korea's actions and the total shelving of the film, "The Interview" is in danger of being forcibly erased. It's a silly comedy, a live-action "South Park"-style romp through North Korea, but freedom of speech still applies here. The beauty of it all is that the movie can't be totally erased as long as movie lovers are still keeping it alive. So if you can't go out and see "The Interview" -- and you probably can't -- grab your cameraphone and make your own.

Grab your cameraphone, make your own and upload it for free. It's a tribute not only to the unreleased movie, but to freedom of speech. Our system was thrown out of order by hackers releasing information publicly on the internet. Why not try and right it by doing the same thing?

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