The White House Is Considering A 'Serious' Response To The Sony Hack

Press Secretary Josh Earnest states this is a "national security matter."

Just one day after Sony Picture pulled their comedy "The Interview" in response to a terrorist threat from the so-called Guardians of Peace -- a group who previously hacked Sony Pictures and released e-mails, movies, financial records and more -- The White House announced during their regular press briefing that they are considering a "serious" response to the hack, as well as considering it a "national security matter."

As part of the White House's daily press briefing, Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked about whether North Korea was behind the attack, according to Variety.

Earnest did not completely confirm any details of the White House's response, but did state that the hack was part of the security team's daily meetings, and once the FBI concludes their investigation into the matter, they will weigh a response.

According to Earnest, whatever that response is will be, "consistent with how we will we protect against, monitor and respond to cyber incidents."

Complicating matters is that Sony is a private corporation based in Japan, though this is also being factored into the response. In addition, the government and President Obama are, "mindful [that] sophisticated actors when they carry out actions like this are oftentimes seeking to provoke response from United States of America and that they believe a response from us would be advantageous for them."

Earnest concluded that the Obamas will not be holding a screening of "The Interview" as some parties have suggested, as they're headed off to a holiday vacation in Hawaii. However, Earnest wouldn't rule this out in the future.

More on this story as it develops.

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