Remember Shark Cat? Here's What This Year's Big YouTube Star Is Up To Now

It looks like Grumpy Cat has some competition.

Looking back at 2014's internet superstars, Shark Cat -- a 13-year-old Snowshoe Siamese cat whose real name is Max-Arthur -- instantly comes to mind. If you have no idea what we're talking about, feast your eyes on this priceless video of a cat dressed in a shark costume chasing a duckling while simultaneously riding a Roomba:

The starring role in this outrageously (meowtrageously?) viral video -- it has over 7 million views! -- is Max-Arthur, a.k.a. Shark Cat. Let's check in on what Max-Arthur -- plus his fellow animal friends -- have been up to since he shot to internet fame over the past few years.

Animal lover Helen Arnold is the mastermind behind Shark Cat's insane success. Originally from Estonia, she moved to Houston, Texas, in 1999. Her YouTube channel, TexasGirly1979, features hundreds of pet videos spanning the course of seven years. Max-Arthur often co-stars in them alongside his BFF Pit Bull Sharky, a nine-year-old American Pit Bull Terrier who looks pretty dapper in a shark costume as well.

We caught up with Arnold to find out what everyone's favorite shark pets are like IRL.

MTV News: How did you get started making videos?

Helen Arnold: I started making videos as soon as I got my first digital camera that was able to record videos, somewhere around 2004. I don't have any videos of my cat, Max-Arthur, when he was a kitten because he was born in 2001.

MTV: Has your life or your pets' lives changed at all since your videos went viral?

Arnold: My life and my pets' lives are still the same. We do get invited to pit bull parades and have had a few interviews. Their videos get featured a lot on different shows and people love to share [them]. We get lots of nice letters from fans, and it is amazing to know that my pets can make someone's day so happy.

MTV: What do your pets do when they aren't on camera?

Arnold: [Pit Bull] Sharky and Max[-Arthur] do the same stuff when they are not on camera. I try to capture them always the way they [naturally] are... Max just follows me around the house, mostly. Right now he just sits by my keyboard purring and keeping his head on my wrist. In the mornings he loves to jump on the counter top in the bathroom to see how I brush my hair and teeth.

MTV: What was your favorite video to film?

Arnold: I have many favorite videos, but if I really had to pick one, then my favorite video to make was the one with the most views at the moment: "Cat Wearing A Shark Costume Cleans The Kitchen On A Roomba."

This vid has an impressive 9 million views. Check it out below.

Arnold: There was no editing needed [for the above video]. I just hit record, went to do my job with peeling the corn, and [Max-Arthur] did his Shark Cat riding... When we were both done, [Pit Bull Sharky] came into the kitchen like he filmed it. I turned off the recording, and the end. Very simple.

MTV: Does the Roomba actually get any cleaning done or is it just Max-Arthur's toy?

Arnold: The Roomba cleans lots of little stuff off the floor, which is awesome because I have a nine-month-old crawling baby who wants to put everything in his mouth. So the Roomba is my big helper!

MTV: What about the most difficult video to film?

Arnold: It would have to be [Max-Arthur] riding on [a] carpet with [a] Jasmine costume, because that costume had so many pieces to it.

Watch it here:

Arnold: [I had to] place the carpet over the Roomba and make sure it [wouldn't] slip off and then dig under the carpet to hit push to start the Roomba ... lots of steps compared to just simple one-piece shark outfit videos.

MTV: How did you come up with the shark costume idea?

Arnold: The shark costume idea comes from Pit Bull Sharky's name. I wanted one cool shark costume, and soon as I saw a shark costume I bought two right away. When I got home with the shark dog outfits, it did not fit Sharky. Only [Max-Arthur] was able to wear it. Max doesn't mind wearing costumes since he is always cold and outfits make him stay warmer.

MTV: Where does one even find a pet shark costume, anyway?

Arnold: I bought [them] from PetSmart in 2012.

MTV: Will your rabbit, Oreo, have his own shark costume soon?

Arnold: No, I don't think I will dress Oreo the bunny in a shark costume. He loves to hop around outside and be free.

Here's what happens when you introduce Shark Cat to a shark baby:

MTV: What other pets do you have besides Max-Arthur, Pit Bull Sharky and Oreo?

Arnold: I also have another 10-year-old bull terrier, Bully, [who] doesn't like the camera so much... I also have chickens, roosters, ducks, geese and koi fish. Chicken eggs are amazing!

MTV: Anything else to add?

Arnold: I am thankful for all the fans and new friends I have made though these videos being shared... If I have a bad day I love to read the comments and read about new requests for more videos... Comments that [I] made their day are of course my favorite.

Keep up with Helen and her pets' adventures on her YouTube channel and website.

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