Simone Says: Layton Deserves An 'Are You The One?' Backhand

Did Season 2's crew do the Season 1 winner proud?

Simone Kelly could be toothless, tongueless and without a proper voice box, but you could put your money on the fact that she'd still tell you how she feels...and BLUNTLY.

The "Are You the One?" Season 1 winner has graciously served as MTV News' own analyst through the show's second season, and after nine episodes of breaking down challenges, hook-ups and many a man tear, she, like the rest of us, was totally stunned by the tonight's finale. Did the gang win the money? Did lasting love manifest? We don't want to spoil it yet, but suffice it to say, Simone's ready to "slap the sh**" out of Layton for the stunt he pulled during the final Match-Up ceremony.

Watch the final episode of "Simone Says" below, and catch the sassy siren on "Battle of the Exes II," which premieres January 6 at 11/10c!

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