This Little Girl's Spontaneous Subway Dance Party Will Melt Even The Coldest Commuter's Heart

This tiny dancer is officially our new role model.

It’s a sad but true fact that many New Yorkers are fast-paced, impatient people who can’t even with all the weird stuff they see everyday. That’s why they often don’t even bat an eye at the myriad of (often subpar) subway performers they’re forced to tolerate.

But one little girl has put the joy back in New Yorkers’ miserable winter commutes with an impromptu dance party that was too cute for even the most “bah humbug” Scrooges to resist. Not only does the bespectacled tot stand out from the crowd of black-clad New Yorkers in a pink puffy coat, but she knows how to jig up a storm.


As a band called Coyote & Crow performs a rollicking version of the Grateful Dead’s “Me & My Uncle,” bystanders at this Brooklyn subway station clapped and danced along, bemused by the the tiny dancer. At one point, the girl even screamed in utter elation, reminding us all that there’s nothing as awesome as being brave and silly and inhibition-free. You go, girl!

Check out the whole adorable video here:

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