11 Craziest Wheelies You’ll See On Instagram (And The Same Guy Does Most Of Them)

Look, Ma, no feet.

The wheelie is an American institution. It’s a flashy form of self-expression that we love, because we love to show off. You can say anything with a wheelie, from “Hey, look at me!” to “I must hang two lanterns in the bell-tower!” In fact, if they had bicycles during the American Revolution, we guarantee Paul Revere would’ve spent most of his legendary ride poppin’ wheelies on a Huffy. In honor of the wheelie tradition, here are 11 wheelies that’ll make Instagram history.

Aquafresh to death

It’s important to work structure and routine into your day. Here, @rrdblocks, the foremost Instagram wheelie authority, proves that showing off doesn’t have to come at the expense of dental hygiene. Don’t forget to rinse!

Two girls, one bike

If this isn’t quite your speed, perhaps you’d be more into...

Two guys, one quad

…the heroic tale of two friends who manage to get drunk enough to run themselves over with a four-wheeler.

Wheelie ollie

Wheelies are like surfing. That’s why @rrdblocks -- always the multitasker -- is back to show us that just because you’re riding your bike, doesn’t mean you can’t ride your favorite matching skateboard at the same time. The orange mohawk-beanie and face mask really lend this clip a "T&C Surf Designs" quality that we can only assume was intentional.

The Kierkegaard

Why “Kierkegaard”? Because it’s a surprisingly philosophical wheelie. In many ways, it’s a metaphor for our existence. It asks the important questions, such as, “Who am I?” “How long can I keep this up?” and “Why am I riding a child’s toy?”

Couples therapy

Attention, boyfriends of the world: This is what trust looks like.

Public transit

We’re not sure what’s more impressive about @rrdblocks in this clip: His Jedi bike stylings, or the fact that he’s found an enjoyable use for the city bus.


Two major events have occurred involving the penny-farthing since its invention in 1870: 1. Bicycle adventurer Joff Summerfield rode it 22,000 miles around the world over two years; and 2. @rrdblocks popped this wheelie for five seconds. Guess who got more likes on Instagram?

Brewski braggadocio

There’s nothing worse than choking down a warm beer because you couldn’t roll your cooler across the beach fast enough. That’s why this guy, in a stroke of brilliance, invented a way to enjoy motorsports and transport cans all at the same time (even if his brewskis do taste like exhaust).


If you weren’t yet convinced that @rrdblocks is the master of Instagram wheelies, this compilation will win you over. Highlights are the tandem bike wheelie, which doesn’t even seem possible, and the wheelie while holding two other bikes, which adds up to an unprecedented five wheels off the ground at one time.

The '80s ("Yahoo-hoo-hoo")

This final wheelie clip is derived from a bizarre, Cold War-era bicycle movie called “American Flyers.” In case you haven’t seen it, it’s basically the prequel to “Dances with Wolves,” as far as Kevin Costner’s mustache is concerned.

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