17 Amazing Photos Of Cheese Curls That Look Like Things Other Than Cheese Curls

You'll never look at Cheetos the same way again.

Cheese curls might be the perfect snack and excuse to lick your fingers in public, but using them as artistic inspiration? You bet. The cheesecurlsofinstagram is currently killing it on social media by doing just that. The account, which has been active for just over a year, sees what we’d otherwise scarf in these compositions.

Like a Rorschach test, we can all see something different in our cheese doodles, and it can even be a little edgy. If they don’t revolutionize how you look at snacks, you can at least applaud the effort it took to hold off eating each masterpiece.

1. Sasquatch

The first post of it's kind, this Big Foot is not a myth.

2. Guy doing the YMCA

Or really celebrating anything.

3. Crucified Cheetos

If you eat them religiously.

4. Cheese doodle dog

5. And his buddy, the cocker spaniel

6. Possibly a guy peeing

I might be the only one who sees that.

7. Cancer Ribbon

It may not be pink enough for Susan G. Komen but it's still pretty cool.

8. Butt doctor

9. High fives

10. Murder

A snack and a bummer.

11. Quarterback Curl

12. Fetus Curl

Who else is never saying "food baby" ever again?

13. Anyone need a hair dryer?

14. The D

A euphemism for Detroit and the male anatomy.

15. Flaming hot gun

Don't put that in my mouth.

16. Evolution

I come from a long line of Cheetos.

17. Monkeys fighting with feces

If you still want cheese curls after this, it must be real love.

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