Watch Liam Payne Have An Existential Selfie Crisis

We get it, dude.

At a recent red carpet fan meet-and-greet at the ARIA Awards, Liam Payne looked a little payned (har har) between selfies with adoring Directioners. And, you know what? We don't entirely blame him.

Since the advent of such technologies as smartphones, front-facing cameras and Instagram, the way fans interact with their favorite musicians has changed. Remember when people used to ask for autographs? A quick snap with a point-and-shoot? Well, those days are as over as carrying a separate device to take pictures with.

Now, every time a fan wants a piece of you, you have to take a selfie. And do you know how hard it is to take a good selfie? (Don't front -- you totally do. There's angles. Filters. Lighting. The perfect "Oh, who? Me?" smile.) Add to that the fact that said selfie will be all over the Web for legions to see and you have an anxiety-inducing experience for the ages.

So go ahead, Liam, rest your weary face between self-snaps. We get it -- even if on a much, much, much smaller scale.

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