Happy Early Chrismukkah To You: Sweet DVD Deals To Buy Now

Ready your credit cards.

Get out your credit card and rev up your web browser, 'tis now officially the season of crazy deals and online shopping til you drop. But the beauty of it is, since you're already on your couch, there's no such thing as dropping.

Sure, there'll be sales galore on big TVs and home theater systems and whatnot, but we believe that life is about the small pleasures. DVDs are small. Life is about DVDs.

Here are some we recommend, for less money than they usually cost.

1. "Friday Night Lights" Complete Series

Step aside, all other gridiron tales. "Friday Night Lights" -- the TV show based off the movie based off the book, duh -- is champion of them all. If you want to learn how to feel, and develop a strong crush on Kyle Chandler in the process, Amazon has the complete series at a steep discount.

2. "Firefly" Complete Series

Is "Buffy" just too mainstream and overexposed for you? Oh, OK, good for you, thou hipster of long-canceled TV. Why not try "Firefly," another Joss Whedon offering? The complete (short) series is currently only $9.99. Now you can finally know what the hell a Browncoat is.

3. All the "Harry Potter" movies on DVD

No need to depend on those ABC Family marathons anymore, now that you can get your own set of the world's greatest unofficial Christmas movies for this low, low price. Prefer Blu-ray? Whateva, those are on sale too. Yer a wizard, reader!

4. "Daria" Complete Series

La-la-la-la-laaaaaa. Relive all of your misandrist fantasies with the complete series of the classic animated MTV show. Then you can answer the eternal question: are you the lady? Or the tiger?

5. "Parks and Recreation"

Oh, you haven't become acquainted with the denizens of Pawnee, Indiana yet? What better time than now, before the final (weep) season of the show airs on NBC? All the seasons of "Parks" are steeply discounted on Amazon right now, so stock up.

6. "Back to the Future" 25th Anniversary Trilogy Set

There's always go back in time. But seriously, celebrate a classic with a back to back to back marathon of the greatest time travel movies of all time ever, then try and sort out your feelings about Marty McFly's mom. It's OK. It happens.

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