This Trailer Wants You To 'Free The Nipple': Watch Now

The story behind the movement — and Miley's tweet.

So, remember that whole @FreeTheNipple thing Miley Cyrus tweeted around this time last year? In case you didn't already know, that was all connected to an upcoming film, also titled "Free The Nipple" -- the trailer for which was just released.

Lina Esco, the woman behind the whole campaign, had partnered with Cyrus during the filming of "LOL" to challenge censorship laws that discriminate against women's bodies.

"I've always questioned the fact that women are not equal to men and that really bothered me," Esco told Entertainment Weekly. "It's not about going topless, it's about equality."

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The movement spread quickly after Rihanna and Scout Willis began posting topless pics to Instagram with the hashtag #FreeTheNipple, only to suffer the fate of Instagram's community guidelines with repeated takedowns and ultimately the dreaded account suspension.

Scout's older sister, Rumor Willis, also joined in protest, wearing a three-breasted t-shirt to a Free The Nipple event.

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"Free The Nipple" will be released on December 12.

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