The 17 Most Horrifying 'Walking Dead' Villains, Ranked

Go crazy!

Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon and their companions have faced their fair share of horror over five seasons and counting on "The Walking Dead." But as terrifying as the zombies are, the worst evil stems from some of the other human survivors of the zombie apocalypse.

These are the most horrifying "Walking Dead" villains we've encountered thus far — walkers excluded.

17. Shumpert

Not the scariest, but we loved him anyway.

16. Ed Peletier

Carol's abusive husband wouldn't stand a chance against his child-killing, Terminus-terminating wife these days.

15. Martin

Also known as "that douche in the cabin." He talked a big game, and looked pretty scary with his hands around a baby's neck. Much less scary with Tyreese's fists all up in his face.

14. Officer Gorman

Also known as "that douche in the hospital." The corrupt cop terrorized Beth with lollipops and the threat of sexual violence. Didn't look so tough with a chunk of his throat in a walker's mouth.

13. Officer Dawn Lerner

We don't know much about her yet, so depending on what happens next, Dawn could rise in our rankings. For now, she's just pretty mean and unhinged, smacking Beth around for no real reason, clinging onto a fading and foolhardy ideology for dear life.

12. Tomas

The leader of the prisoners was unpredictable and deadly. Much more predictable and much less deadly with Rick's machete buried in his face.

11. Andrew

Tomas' right-hand man survived Rick's wrath just long enough to get T-Dog and Lori killed. Pretty bad guy.

10. Dave and Tony

Two guys walk into a bar. One of them is that dude from "Terriers" and the bad guy on season one of "True Blood." The other guy is some other guy. Both of them threaten to storm Hershel's farm. Both of them go down with bullets to the face, courtesy of Rick Grimes. Their deaths were quick and sudden, but one shudders to think about what might've happened if they'd lived long enough to make it to Hershel's.

9. Mary from Terminus

Also known as Gareth's mom. We didn't see much of her, but the demented and delusional ideology she spat at Carol in her dying moments was enough to send chills down the spine. Also, she ate human beings, and isn't even a walker. Pretty gross.

8. Mitch, AKA Tank Boy

Hell hath no fury like a psychopath with a tank.

7. Martinez

Pretty deadly with a baseball bat. Would be bros with Daryl Dixon if not for the fact that he's from Woodbury and Daryl's from the prison. Not so deadly when being fed to a pit of walkers, but pretty intimidating up until then.

6. Merle Dixon

He played for the good guys in his final days, but for most of his life, Merle was a hateful, homicidal piece of work. The bayonet hand remains one of the weirdest weapons of choice in "Walking Dead" lore.

5. Joe and the Claimers

"Claimed!" One of the scariest sets of rules in the entire zombie apocalypse. If they see something they want, they take it, as long as they "claim" it first. Thankfully, Rick has sharp teeth.

4. Gareth

He ran a cannibal compound, spoke intelligently and eloquently, and looked good while doing it. Definitely among the sexier "Walking Dead" villains, which makes him even more dangerous.

3. Shane Walsh

Misunderstood, or just a maniac? Rick was the judge, and he decisively ruled the latter, with a knife buried bone deep in Shane's chest. Until then, Shane was constantly teetering on the edge of insanity, proving that good people can go bad under the right (and wrong) circumstances.

2. The Governor

Between his hobby of staring at severed heads as television sets, keeping his zombified daughter locked up in an attic, and spraying his own people with all of the bullets, Phillip "Don't-Call-Me-Phillip" Blake is the reigning king of all things horrifying on "Walking Dead."

1. Lizzie

But she's the reigning queen. Sure, she looks cute enough. But look again.

Aggressive threats, cutting open rats, befriending walkers, and killing your own sister to prove that zombies are misunderstood? Does not get much more terrifying than that. Job well done, Carol.

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