12 Kids Who Probably Don't Understand Their Halloween Costumes

But they do look cute.

Besides the fact that you have to follow them around for hours while they go collect as much candy as possible, having a little kid on Halloween can be great.

Case in point: these kids who got dressed up by their parents in pop culture-referencing costumes they couldn't possibly understand. Do you really think a little girl knows what a Xenomorph is? No way. Who cares? That s--t is cute.

Here are other examples of kids who probably don't know what they're dressed up as.

1. Jawa from "Star Wars"

(via gogglespizanno)

2. Ace Ventura

(via zeb7)

3. A four-year-old girl as a Xenomorph

(via kkkkeyuh)

4. Iron Vader

(via floppyjackhammer)

5. Mr. Clean

(via Crypto-Knight)

6. Crazy Cat Lady

(via Shenko-wolf)

7. Baby Groot

(via shoogbear63)

8. Voltron

(via cocononos)

9. Ralphie from "A Christmas Story"

(via apollosmith)

10. "The Shining" Twins

(via gogoplata12)

11. Calvin and Hobbes

(via Nerdyartist)

12. Hulk Hogan

Screen shot 2014-10-31 at 6.00.34 PM

(via mmaggio621)

Bonus: A dog as Marty McFly

(via ucfknight18)

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