These Burgers Taste Like Human Flesh -- Want A Bite?

Seriously. This isn't a joke.

A couple of London-based food creatives developed a burger so deliciously vile, we can't even handle it. The collective known as Messhead -- that's Mess London's chef, James Thomlinson, plus Miss Cakehead -- studied the musings of known cannibals to craft the perfect recipe for replicating the taste of human flesh.

Yep, these burgers tastes like human flesh.

[image src="wp-attachment://1942761" title="burgers-in-the-flesh" alt="burgers-in-the-flesh"]

Why? Just why? No one asked for this. No one needed this in their lives. But apparently, there are enough "Walking Dead" fans in the U.K. to warrant such an experiment. This whole thing is actually a promotion for the series' upcoming Season 5 premiere on October 13 (October 12 in the U.S.).

For those actually interested in trying one these sliders-from-hell, Terminus Tavern will be opening up a secret pop-up shop in East London on September 30. You'll have to follow the #terminustavern hashtag for those juicy details.

Also, if you fancy yourself a chef -- and a slightly demented one at that -- Chef Thomlinson has released the secret recipe to the public:

[image src="wp-attachment://1942752" title="peopleburger" alt="peopleburger"]

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