Would You Buy A Custom Ghost Costume For $75?

If you think you’re going to get away with wearing your dirty white sheets as your "costume" this Halloween, you are in for a very rude awakening, my friend. The ghost game just got a mega upgrade thanks to Print All Over Me's latest customizable costume. For $75, you can have any print imaginable plastered all over this one-size-fits-all sheet of fabric, which is kiiiind of confusing since ghosts are supposed to be white, BUT WE DIGRESS.

Print All Over Me

Ghost Costume

When we first peeped this product, we were boggled at what design we'd put on this piece, but the more we thought about it, the more we realized this is actually an incredible invention. Why? Because puns! The opportunities are limitless, dudes. Here's just a sampling of all the amazingness you could do with this and, yes, you can steal these and we won't be mad.

GHOSTBUSTER: If you want to allude to the 1984 flick in a non-obvious way, make a print of Buster Bluth's face, and BAM. You are officially a "ghost Buster."

GHOST WORLD: Now that blue hair and plastic glasses are the norm, it's hard to channel one of our favorite movies at Halloween and still stand out. Instead, find a killer globe print for this bad boy, and you'll be a literal ghost world.

GHOST WHISPERER: Put a bunch of "Shh!" words all over the costume, and, well, we think you get it.

GHOST RIDE THE WHIP: For this, you can just carry a whip and ride it around. This actually involves no design or art talent, so YOU'RE WELCOME.

GHOSTFACE KILLAH: Make the sheet look bloody, carry around a knife, and constantly give ’em the Wu.

And, hey, if puns aren't your thing, you could always goes as "Iggy Azalea in a bad disguise," but hurry! These custom pieces need 2-4 weeks to get printed and shipped, so you'll wanna get your designs solidified before September 30.

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