Thanks For Nothing! 13 Of The Worst Gifts Ever

Hurry up and return these to sender.

You can always count on Twitter to deliver trending topics that lean towards to absurd. Do people want to show off the best gifts they’ve ever received?

Not a chance.

That kind of mishegas is reserved for Facebook. Over on Twitter, one of the top-trending topics for Wednesday (September 17) is #WorstGiftEver, which is pretty self-explanatory. If you think you’ve received a present worthy of contention, you’re completely wrong. Here's a roundup of the 13 most WTF gifts that have been shared.

1. The Daddle?

2. Handerpants, for those that want to keep their middle finger pinned down during hot yoga.

3. Because hot boyfriends can be grown.

4. Are granny panties sold separately?

5. You’re a demon seed.

6. The nose always nose.

7. Is that cat-meat taco FDA-approved?

8. Wood games for when your Wi-Fi is out.

9. Because sharing is caring.

10. Don’t tell me they gave it to U2.

11. Kryptonite anyone?

12. Sometimes, gift-giving just doesn’t pan out.

13. Et tu, Hallmark?

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