8 High School Mascots You Won't Believe Still Exist

Cheering for these teams just seems awkward.

High school is horrible for myriad reasons: popular kids, school lunch, finals, the chewed-up gum mummifying under every desk. (Welcome back, by the way!) Imagine, if you will, having to -- on top of all that -- root for a team called "The Arabs." Yeah, that just upped the suck factor fourfold.

While many high schools have gotten more progressive over the years, eradicating mascots and team names that are undeniably offensive (bye bye, Pekin Chinks!), some schools have persisted in retaining monikers that are decidedly...kind of not OK.

Check out some of the top offenders below:

1.) The Maniacs

The word "maniac" isn't really offensive on its own -- especially when it's meant to be interpreted as "person who is extremely enthusiastic about something" -- but the image of Orofino High School's mascot is a bit...troubling. That "maniac" doesn't look "extremely enthusiastic," he looks "violent and mentally ill."

Throw in the fact that the school is located in pretty close proximity to a psychiatric hospital, and... Oof.

2.) The Midgets

The dictionary defines "midget" as a "sometimes offensive" term for "a very small person." We'd amend that it's "always offensive" when paired with a mascot that looks like Freeburg Community High School's.

3.) The Cotton Pickers

Sure, Robstown High School's team name could be an homage to Eli Whitney, but it still makes us uncomfortable.

4.) The Redskins

Neshaminy High School students are just one group trying to eradicate this way outmoded and offensive team name.

5.) The Orphans

Centralia High School's mascot was voted the most original in the U.S. We think it could also win the award for "saddest," as it calls to mind, oh, you know, children whose parents have died.

6.) The Arabs

Coachella Valley High School recently changed its mascot name from the "Arabs" to the "Mighty Arabs" and updated its highly offensive hook-nosed mascot -- it also retired a belly-dancing genie who was trotted out at games.

Despite the change, however, it still seems strange to name one's team after an entire group of people -- even if the word "mighty" is used as a describer.

7.) The Savages

Just... Come on, Savannah...

8.) The Hoboes

There's also a hobo festival in Laurel Hill, Florida. And...scene.

Want To Know More About Cultural Appropriation? Hit Up Look Different For The Lowdown

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