Guy And Girl 'Code'-sters Square Off On Dating, Text Etiquette And Which Scent Is Sexiest

Who should initiate a date? Are emojis acceptable? See for yourself!

Hygiene, TV shows, music: There are some things on which guys and girls may never see eye to eye, but thanks to "Girl Code"'s Jordan Carlos, we might finally get a little bit of resolution in the ongoing battle of the sexes.

The comedian, who's tired of all the back-and-forth arguing, is aiming to put certain dating disputes to rest. And in the three-piece Great Debate below, he calls on a handful of "Code" all-stars to plead their cases on behalf of their respective sexes.

First up: Nessa and Charlamagne Tha God square off on matters of dating initiation. Who should go up to whom? Is dating a friend's ex acceptable behavior? Welp, all of that's moot if you can't prove you've got some cash, Nessa insists.

"For me, I feel like, if you smell like money, that could help out the situation because we are tired of these broke dudes out here, thank you very much," she declares. Don't mince your words, girl!

Next, Carly Aquilino puts up the dukes against Andrew Schulz to hash out reasonable text decorum. So if you need clarity on when emojis fit the mood, or are in the dark about whether sexting's ever appropriate, these two are laying it all out on the table. One topic on which they seem to agree? Elongating words is typically pretty annoyingggggggg.

Finally, Andrew returns for one final match against the lovely Alesha Renee, and the opponents show no mercy while squabbling over how you should behave once you're actually on a date. Andrew and Alicia agree that ditching someone on the first date isn't cool and are generally on the same page in terms of acceptable cancellation methods. But kissing on Date #1 leaves them on totally different poles.

"These luscious lips have to be reserved for a select few," Alesha insists. Guess you can leave your ChapStick at home, pal!

So which side comes out on top? Watch the videos, share your thoughts and be sure to tune in to the "Girl Code" Season 3 premiere on Wednesday, October 1 at 11/10c!

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