Orange Is The New Adorable In These Pre-Emmys Cast Photos

Netflix's cutest cast heads to the awards!

The cast and crew of "Orange is the New Black" are up for a bevy of awards at Monday night's (August 25) Television Academy's Emmy Awards, and naturally, this BFF'd bunch o' broads (and guys, too) are proving quite efficiently that they're the ones having the best pre-Emmys day ever. Aww shucks, just look at 'em.

First, they did a hilarious Party Bus fire drill with some other Netflix-ers:

...It was a two-parter because Emmy dresses are REAL hard to walk in:

There were even a few special messages from the cast:

...Including one from our favorite creep (we know, we're weird), Pornstache:

Morello nabbed this silly shot with a perfect caption and photobomber:

And Big Boo looks to have amassed quite a following with her dapper duds:

Here's Laura Prepon hanging out with a BABY! Gah, the overload of cute is strong with this one:

And as a bonus, here's just a glimpse of how insane the OITNB-Emmy love is on Instagram. If it's any indication? Monday's going to be a very orange night:

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