Taylor Swift Has Sparkles And A Secret In Store For VMA Performance

What? WHAT?!

The big day of the VMAs is finally here, and we can't wait to see what Lady Taylor of the Swift has in store for us. Yes, Taylor Swift will be performing at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards, and a Twitter tease this afternoon has us intrigued, excited and -- we'll admit -- a little confused.

OK, the sparkly mic we get and love. Hey, 1989! That's the name of Swift's upcoming album! Awesome! We're totally on the same page here.

Sparkly shoes? Check. We approve, and we totally get it. Yeah, girl, you'll be needing those for tonight's sure to be amazing show.

It's that last part that's leaving us scratching our heads. See, that link that comes after "you will need this" is to Swift's iTunes page. Since we've clearly downloaded (and memorized and choreographed a dance to) "Shake It Off" already, what could she possibly be pointing us to? Could it be that there'll be something new for us to download post-performance? Please say yes, please!

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