The Dumbest Things We Wear (And Use) At Bachelorette Parties

Ladies, it's time for us to stop drinking out of penis straws, OK?

It's wedding season, which means that at any moment, your favorite restaurant, bar or sidewalk could easily transform into a disaster site with the arrival of the human hurricane that is known as a bachelorette party. Identifying such a gaggle is easy -- they're the ones reeking of cosmos and dressed in one (or all) of these ridiculous items...


A wedding is essentially a year-long game of Pretty Pretty Princess, and a bachelorette party is a perfect opportunity for the bride-to-be to get her subjects...err...friends to treat her like royalty just because she's agreed to sleep with the same person for the rest of her life.

Shirts and sashes that identify the bachelorette

It's her last night out as a single lady -- and while the bridesmaids should definitely keep her from going too far, doesn't advertising her taken status to the world deprive her of one last joyful flirt?

Sassy temporary tattoos

Granted, this is a better option than actually getting tattooed at midnight. Still, a "Maid of Dishonor" temporary tat may seem a little redundant when it's directly above an actual lower back tattoo -- but it's also a very helpful tool for letting the bartender know which member of the party will be dancing on the tables by night's end.

Penis games

The underlying theme of any bachelorette party isn't so much "She's Getting Married," as it is "Penises: Look How Funny They Are And She Has To Live With One." Nothing wrong with fun and games (like the above piñata), but she'll probably remember the night's tearjerker moments better than the constant mockery of the male genitalia.

Seriously, those straws

It's traditional to shower a bachelorette in naughty presents that she wouldn't want to receive in front of her grandmother. These often come in the form of lingerie, vibrators or "gag" gifts like this. In keeping with the evening's motifs of phalli and embarrassment, penis straws are a classic way to turn a cocktail into, well, a c--ktail -- but they're a total cliché at the point, so this tradition can go the way of the dowry.

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