'Snack-Off' Is Totally Giving Us A Case Of The MTV Munchies

And to celebrate the show's premiere, we're looking back at our most food-tastic moments -- pickles and intestines included.

Whether you're out with pals or indulging in a late-night "Teen Wolf" binge, sometimes ya just gotta give in when the Munchie Monster hits.

If you don't, he'll growl and gnaw at the insides of your belly, leaving little room in your mind for anything other than the thought of Double Stuf Oreos. Then, before you know it, you're wondering why Stiles is crying again -- because you were just too distracted by the promise of sweet Stuf sprinkled with chocolate Oreo crumbs blessing your taste buds (yeah, we all save the Stuf for last). Word to the wise: Take a lesson from our MTV friends, and don't fight it. Just grab some milk and satiate your mouth hole.

In honor of tonight's series premiere of "Snack-Off," which will feature foodies facing off to determine who can whip up the most memorable dish using random kitchen ingredients, we're looking back at MTV's five most memorable munchie moments. Grab a knife and fork, and read on:

I'll just drink out of the jar, thanks.

When you're a meatball, pickles are everything.

Nicole Polizzi's love for the funky cucumber (and its juice) was about as apparent on "Jersey Shore" as Mike's washboard abs (which we saw at least 1,247 times). Remember this?

Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?

This guy will take the cookies with a side of human flesh, please.

One snackable we'd sorta like to forget surrounds Monday's episode of "Teen Wolf," where we met Sean — a cannibalistic wendigo who feeds off of human flesh...and the intestines of harmless deputies. "I'M SO HUNGRY!" he shouted. Are you? Are you really hungry, Sean? Why don't you tell us again?


Ice cream for dinner? Heck yes!

It's kinda hard to not blame the title character on "Finding Carter" for wanting to stay with her kidnapper mom. Dinner consists of frozen yogurt topped with all the gummy bears in the world!


Actually, we'll pass on the pickled fish soup.

Who can forget the moment on "The Challenge: Rivals II" when Cara Maria sobbed like a baby while choking down pickled fish soup with a side of worms? Ugh. Please excuse us -- we're feeling a bit sick.


This frosting tastes...funky.

Seaside Heights hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Mike's ex Paula proved that and then some when she took the (crazy) cake and brought it to the "Jersey Shore" house. Mike and a few of his roomies quickly had a taste, blissfully unaware that Paula had used a teabag to make it -- but not the kind you think.

+ So who's hungry? And who'll be lucky enough to take home the golden spork necklace on tonight's "Snack-Off" series premiere? Grab your kettle corn and find out at 10:30/9:30c!

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