'Planet Of The Apes' Caesar Talks To 'Lord Of The Rings' Gollum And It's Amazing

Yessssss, precious.

Andy Serkis is a motion-capture magician, an actor with astonishing range, and most recently, the monkey-suited star of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes." But as great as all that stuff is, let's just be honest: We're here for the Gollum voice.

During his appearance on "Conan" Wednesday night, Serkis discussed his latest film and gave his hosts some expert instruction in the fine art of making monkey noises — which was, to be clear, also very funny. But it jumps to a whole new level at the two-minute mark, when Serkis imagines a telephone conversation between Caesar, the main man monkey from "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," and everyone's favorite Middle Earth riddler, the illustrious, phlegmmy Gollum.

Also present during said convo: Smeagol, who has much nicer things to say about Conan's abilities than his cantankerous alter-ego.

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