Will Ben Affleck's 'The Batman' Strike In 2019?

The first standalone Batfleck film is rumored to be years away.

When will the Dark Knight rise again?

We know that Ben Affleck's Caped Crusader will appear in 2016's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," with a full-fledged "Justice League" rumored for release one year later. But the recent reports of DC Entertainment's upcoming movie slate has left Batman out in the cold, leaving fans to wonder when to expect an Affleck-starring standalone feature.

Based on a new rumor, fans might want to mark 2019 down in their calendar — that's when Warner Bros. will release "The Batman," according to Latino Review's sources.

"The Batman" is apparently the working title for the solo Batfleck flick, but nothing else is known beyond that name and the tentative 2019 release date. It's speculated that Affleck himself could direct the film, as he's wont to do these days, but it's nothing more than speculation. Even the movie itself, and the 2019 release date, is little more than rumor, but it makes sense based on what we know of DC's supposed schedule.

That schedule, if you missed it, looks as follows:

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" in May 2016

"Shazam" in July 2016

"Sandman" in December 2016

"Justice League" in May 2017

"Wonder Woman" in July 2017

"Flash and Green Lantern" in December 2017

"Man of Steel 2" in May 2018

We'll see when, where and how a standalone Batman movie officially fits into that schedule in due time; for now, 2019 sounds about right.

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