Amanda Seyfried Raps, And It's Amazing

The second-finest rap performance of her career.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that once you've appeared on the internet, rapping, wearing a giant frog costume, people are always going to want you to do it again... as Amanda Seyfried discovered when she sat down for an interview with BBC Radio 1xtra, where she was on the air with Seth McFarlane to promote "A Million Ways to Die in the West."

There was no frog headpiece available, sadly, but after learning that her "Les Miserables" co-star Hugh Jackman had recently rapped on the same program, Amanda was game to lay down a few a cappella lines of 5ive's "It’s All Over."

Not bad, not bad. But, let's be real, not her finest performance either. NEVER FORGET, AMANDA SEYFRIED.

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