Oh Yes, Monica Lewinsky 'Did' Just Correct Beyonce

Lewinksy takes issue with her 'Partition' lyric.

Someone call the Beygency: Monica Lewinksy just corrected the Queen.

The woman known for her high-profile affair with former U.S. President Bill Clinton had a lot to say in her lengthy Vanity Fair essay. Her first statement on the matter in a rather silent 10 years, she made some real admissions -- including that "I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton" and that the former POTUS had engaged in "gross inappropriate behavior."

But in between all that, she also made sure to take the time to call out Beyoncé on what she considers an inaccurate lyric in "Partition": "He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse/ He Monica Lewinski'd all on my gown."

"Thanks, Beyoncé, but if we're verbing, I think you meant 'Bill Clinton'd all on my gown,' not 'Monica Lewinsky'd,'" she wrote.

The full essay will be available online Thursday and in print in Vanity Fair on May 13. In the meantime, Monica should probably call up Andrew Garfield for advice on how to dodge the Beygency.

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