True Life: Lady Gaga Answered My 'ARTPOP' Question And 'Transported' Me To Little Monsters' Universe

MTV News producer Stacey Sommer didn't expect to be tweeting with Gaga last night, and now, it looks like she has a place in the Monster-sphere.

On Sunday night, MTV News associate producer Stacey Sommer and Lady Gaga talked ARTPOP. Sure it was on Twitter, but with millions of Little Monsters tweeting during the Q&A, she had to get involved. The otherworldly answer she got was not expected. Here's her account:

I jumped into bed last night around 10 p.m. with my iPhone and laptop in hand. I'm 24, so naturally, I need to know what's trending... and what my friends ate for dinner. I simultaneously logged on to Facebook and Twitter while I browsed the Instagram feed on my phone.

Scrolling through my Twitter timeline, a tweet from Lady Gaga drew me in: "TWITTER Q&A. ARTPOP. 30 min. TREND IT. #ARTPOPquestion."

"Why not?" I thought. Just last week I was following Kanye's most recent Twitter rant against Jimmy Kimmel and wanted to jump in and play peacekeeper, but they'd never see my tweet. Here was my chance to ask Mother Monster a question and maybe, just maybe, be one out of 40 million followers she responds to.

The really cool thing about working at MTV is you always find yourself around celebrities. One day you're eating birthday cake with 2 Chainz, and the next you happen to be in the elevator with Miley Cyrus. I remember when "Thrift Shop" first came out and we Skyped Macklemore from a coffee shop, where he was using their free WiFi to connect with us. It's crazy around here, but even after all of those run-ins, very few of us have the opportunity to actually sit down with pop icons for a chat about their music. This was my chance to get a question into Gaga's hands.

I first tweeted her a genuine question, asking about the features she chose on her upcoming album, ARTPOP. After hitting send, I decided to send one more. This was Lady Gaga, after all, and she's not going to answer any old question. I wanted to send something that was weird and would catch her attention, but still be about her much-anticipated album.

A fan asked her to describe ARTPOP's ballads, to which she responded, "gypsy is a ballad/electronic song. But there is a lot of hard funky midtempo + a space rock electronica explosion of beats."

ARTPOP is "space rock," she said, so I tweeted: "@ladygaga is ARTPOP like the outer space we know, or a different universe? #ARTPOPquestion."

@ladygaga Is ARTPOP like the outerspace we know, or a different universe #ARTPOPquestion

— Stacey (@stace_of_base) October 14, 2013

Not even two minutes later, she responded, "@stace_of_base it is a complete and total transportation from pop culture as you know it into an explosion of art fantasy, rage and eros."

@stace_of_base it is a complete and total transportation from pop culture as you know it into an explosion of art fantasy, rage and eros

— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) October 14, 2013

Wait...what... OH. MY. GAGA.

I literally could not believe how quickly she responded. More interestingly, I was shocked with how quickly the Little Monsters were to retweet, favorite and respond as well. My Twitter account couldn't keep up with the influx of interactions I was receiving. Rapidly hitting refresh wouldn't clear the notifications on my account, and on Monday morning, I woke up to an overloaded mentions page. More than 400 Little Monsters have favorite and retweeted, and it's awesome to finally witness this intense fandom first-hand. Many of them tweeted responses at me like, "I can't wait!!" and "wow!" They asked follow-up questions like, "Is it a transfer from our world to yours?"

If I wasn't already excited for ARTPOP to come out, this experience definitely has me ecstatic for November 11. With all the online interactions that have flooded my phone since last night, I feel like I'm an honorary Little Monster now.

The Internet is awesome.

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