Bruce Willis Only Wants 'Die Hard' To Make Daughters Laugh

Action star tells MTV News that onscreen father-son relationship is 'a lot like real life.'

Though Bruce Willis' "A Good Day to Die Hard" co-star Yuliya Snigir thought making the fifth film in the series was "better than sex," the man behind John McClane wouldn't go quite that far to describe his experience.

"It would be stretch for me to find some way to make the 'Better than sex' comment, but I'm happy Yuliya feels that way," Willis told MTV News.

Willis has different reasons for loving the new film: the new father-son dynamic with co-star Jai Courtney.

"I get the opportunity to have this father-and-son, contentious relationship that I think really drives the film," Willis said. "It's fun to watch, and it's complicated, and it's a lot like real life, and you kind of know people like these guys, arguing with each other. It's been a running argument."

Thankfully, there's quite a big difference between John McClane, the father, and Bruce Willis, the father. When it comes to being a dad, all Willis has to worry about is making his core audience, his four daughters, laugh.

"Hopefully my parenting techniques in real life are not about the entertainment of the masses," he said. "They are just the entertainment of my children, my four daughters. I get a huge kick out of trying to make my kids laugh. It's a great job to try to be the best job you can."

Check out everything we've got on "A Good Day to Die Hard," out Thursday (February 14).

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