Robert Pattinson In A Wig? 'Twilight' Stars Recall First Impressions

'We've come a long way since then,' Taylor Lautner tells 'Twilight' Tuesday on making friends on the first set.

At this point in our dedicated fandom for the "Twilight" franchise, it feels as though we've known the actors associated with the films longer than we haven't, i.e. there isn't a point at which "Twilight" didn't exist for us. Except there is, like early 2008 -- way ahead of the first film's release date when the fan frenzy had yet to peak.

In thinking back to when we first got to know the castmembers as their characters, we wondered what our favorite stars thought of each other when they first met on the Oregon set way back when. This week's "Twilight" Tuesday is all about revisiting those first impressions, courtesy of our recent chat with the "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" cast at Comic-Con.

"The first time I met Rob [Pattinson], they had a wig on him," Peter Facinelli recalled. "It was like extensions or something because they were thinking of Edward having long hair, and he looked caveman-y, and I was thinking, 'That's Edward? That doesn't look like the Edward I have in my mind, but OK,' and then a week or two later, he hated them and ripped them out and then he got his famous Edward haircut. When he did that [I thought], 'That's more Edward to me.' "

Kellan Lutz met his fellow castmates in a trial-by-fire scenario when he was thrown into baseball practice.

"On the first [movie] I had to be flown up to Oregon to read with [director] Catherine [Hardwicke]. I was in my boots, my jeans, and the rest of the cast was already at baseball training for 'Twilight,' " Lutz revealed. "I read with Catherine, loved her, she loved what I did, and she said, 'All right, you're my Emmett.' I'm like, 'OK, cool, do I go back home and pack?' And she said, 'No, no, straight to baseball training.' So I'm in jeans and boots. Everyone is in baseball gear.

"I stayed up there for a week for rehearsals. I loved it, I loved meeting the cast," he said with a smile. "Ashley Greene has been one of my best friends since we were wee little actors, and it's great to work with her on something, and then you build these friendships with the other castmembers, who are just amazing people inside and out."

"I didn't know what to expect or think," Taylor Lautner admitted. "On 'Twilight,' I came in halfway through shooting, I only had two or three scenes in the movie. I thought, 'I hope we get to know each other and make friends, that will make this experience a whole lot easier,' and sure enough, we did, it all turned out great. We've come a long way since then."

And last but not least, the newest (and arguably most adorable) castmember Mackenzie Foy weighed in on what she thought when she met her co-stars for the first time.

"I knew they were super sweet and I knew that they were big actors and actresses. I was just really excited to see them," she said. "I think it was a good first impression."

Check out everything we've got on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2."

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